A Layered Decoding Algorithm for Spatially-coupled LDPC Codes
- 空间耦合低密度奇偶校验码 /
- 分层算法 /
- 译码延时 /
- 滑动窗
Abstract:In order to solve the problem of the long decoding delay for the Spatially-Coupled Low-Density Parity-Check (SC-LDPC) code with long code length, a Layered Sliding Window Decoding (LSWD) algorithm is proposed. By exploring the quasi-cyclic characteristics of the SC-LDPC sub-codeblock and the hierarchical structure of the check matrix in the sliding window, the part of check matrix in the sliding window is layered to optimize the message transfer between two neighbor layers, with the aim of accelerating the convergence of the iterative procedure and reducing the number of decoding iterations. Simulation and analysis results show that the number of iterations in the proposed LSWD algorithm is less than that in the SWD, under the same Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) and the bit error ratio. In the high SNR region, especially, the number of iterations in the proposed LSWD is about half of that in the SWD, hence the global decoding delay of the former is effectively shorten. In addition, the decoding performance of the LSWD algorithm is better than the SWD algorithm under the same number of decoding iterations, and the overall computational complexity is slightly increased.
表 1 译码算法单次迭代过程的计算量比较
译码算法 加法运算 $\phi (x)$运算 SWD ${K_g} \times M \times W \times (J + K + 1)$ $2{K_g} \times M \times W \times J$ LSWD ${K_g} \times M \times W \times (2J + K + 1)$ $2{K_g} \times M \times W \times J$ -
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