Joint Resource Allocation Algorithms Based on Mixed Cloud/Fog Computing in Vehicular Network
Abstract:For the problems of low delay, low power requirement and access congestion caused by computational unloading of mass devices, a Joint Offloading Decision and Resource Allocation Algorithm (JODRAA) is proposed based on cloud-fog hybrid network architecture. Firstly, the algorithm considers the combination of cloud and fog computing, and establishes a resource optimization model to minimize system energy consumption and resource cost with maximum delay as constraint. Secondly, the original problem is transformed into a standard Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Program (QCQP) problem, and a low-complexity joint unloading decision-making and computational resource allocation algorithm is designed. Furthermore, considering the access congestion problem caused by massive computing of unloading devices, an estimation model of the overflow probability of unloading user access request queue is established, and an on-line measurement based time-frequency resource allocation algorithm for fog nodes is proposed. Finally, the iterative bandwidth and power allocation strategy is obtained by using fractional programming theory and Lagrange dual decomposition method. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can minimize the system energy consumption and resource cost on the premise of time delay.
Key words:
- Vehicular network /
- Fog computing /
- Computation offload /
- Resource allocation
表 1 联合卸载决策和基于二分法的计算资源调度算法
1. 初始化试验次数$J$,用户数$M$,总带宽$B_f^{\max }$及资源块带宽${B_{SC}}$
及总计算资源${F^{{\rm{fog}}}}$,初始化用户参数${D_m}$, ${u_m}$, $f_m^{{\rm{loc}}}$, $p_m^{\max }$,
$p_m^{{\rm{id}}}$, $p_m^{{\rm{loc}}}$, $R_m^{{\rm{fc}}}$, $f_m^c$, $d_m^{\max }$,初始化式(17)中的所有矩阵2. 利用凸优化工具求解式(17)得到优化解${{{Q}}^*}$ 3. 从优化解${{{Q}}^{\rm{*}}}$中提取左上角$2M \times 2M$的子矩阵${{{Q}}^{'*}}$, ${{{Q}}^{'*}}$中的
对角线上的元素值为$\Pr = \left[ { {\rm{pr} }_1^f,{\rm{pr} }_1^{\rm c},...,{\rm{pr} }_M^f,{\rm{pr} }_M^{\rm c}} \right]$4. for $j = 1;j \le J;j + + $ do 5. 根据式(18)从$\Pr $中提取卸载决策${{{v}}^j}$ 6. 执行计算资源调度:初始化参数${\chi ^{\min }} = \max \{ {S_m}\} ,\,{\chi ^{\max } } = $
$ \displaystyle\sum\limits_m {\left( {\frac{ { {C_m}p_m^{ {\rm{id} } }M} }{ { {F^{ {\rm{fog} } } } } } + {S_m} } \right)}$,于是有${\chi ^{\min }} \le {\chi ^{{\rm{opt}}}} \le {\chi ^{\max }}$,最大
可容忍误差$\varepsilon > 0$, ${\chi ^j}{\rm{ = (}}{\chi ^{\min }} + {\chi ^{\max }}{\rm{)/2}}$7. while $|{\chi ^{\max }} - {\chi ^{\min }}| \ge \varepsilon $ do
8. if $\displaystyle\sum\limits_{m \in M} {\frac{ { {C_m}p_m^{ {\rm{id} } } }}{ { {\chi ^j} - {S_m} } } > {F^{ {\rm{fog} } } }}$ then9. ${\chi ^{\min }} = {\chi ^j}$ 10. else 11. ${\chi ^{\max }} = {\chi ^j}$ 12. end if 13. end while 14. if $|{\chi ^{\max }} - {\chi ^{\min }}| \le \varepsilon $ then 15. ${\chi ^{{\rm{opt}}}} = {\chi ^j}$ 16. end if 17. 将得到的${\chi ^{{\rm{opt}}}}$代入式(21)得到计算资源调度策略${{{f}}^{{\rm{fog}}}}$ 18. end for 表 2 基于在线测量的接入控制算法
1. 初始化每个雾节点的资源块配置数量$z$和剩余资源块数量$B$,
在周期$n$上观察每个雾节点$f$ 的接入请求队列状态$Q_n^f$2. for $f = 1;f < F;f + + $ do 3. 计算$a_{\rm o}^f$,估计${\mathop m\limits^{\wedge} } _{\rm o}^f$ 4. while $Q_n^f \ge B_H^f$ or $B = \emptyset $ do 5. $z \leftarrow z + 1$,${C_f}(n) \leftarrow z\mathop r\limits^\_ $,$B \leftarrow B - 1$ 6. end while 7. 计算$a_{\rm o}^f$及$\hat m_{\rm o}^f$ 8. if $Q_n^f < B_H^f$ & $\hat m_{\rm o}^f \ge a_{\rm o}^f$ then 9. $z \leftarrow z + {\Delta _1}$,${C_f}(n) \leftarrow z\mathop r\limits^\_ $,$B \leftarrow B - {\Delta _1}$ 10. else if $Q_n^f < B_H^f$ & $\hat m_{\rm o}^f \ge a_{\rm o}^f$ then 11. 式(24)执行黄金分割搜索算法估计$\hat P_{n + N}^f$ 12. if $\hat P_{n + N}^f \ge {\varepsilon _f}$ then 13. $z \leftarrow z + {\Delta _2}$, ${C_f}(n) \leftarrow z\mathop r\limits^\_ $, $B \leftarrow B - {\Delta _2}$ 14. end if 15. end if 16. end if 17. end for 表 3 基于迭代的带宽和功率资源调度
1. 初始化迭代次数${N_1}{\rm{ = }}0$和${N_2}{\rm{ = }}0$,误差精度${\delta _1}$和${\delta _2}$, ${V^{{N_1}}}{\rm{ = }}1$ 2. while ${N_1} < {N_{1\max }}$ do 3. while ${N_2} < {N_{2\max }}$ do 4. 对给定的${V^{{N_1}}}$,根据式(31)求得优化的传输功率解 5. 在区间$[0,1]$内执行二分搜索方法求解${\varphi _m}({N_2})$,并将
${\varphi _m}({N_2})$代入式(34)求解带宽资源调度方案6. 通过次梯度法分别更新拉格朗日乘子 7. if ${\rm{||}}\beta ({N_2} + 1) - \beta ({N_2})|{|_2} < {\delta _2}$,
$||\eta ({N_2} + 1) - \eta ({N_2})|{|_2} < {\delta _2}$,
$||\mu ({N_2} + 1) - \mu ({N_2})|{|_2} < {\delta _2}$,
$||\pi ({N_2} + 1) - \pi ({N_2})|{|_2} < {\delta _2}$ then8. $\alpha _m^{{N_1}} = {\alpha _m}({N_2})$, $p_m^{{\rm{com}}{{\rm{N}}_1}} = p_m^{{\rm{com}}}\left( {{N_2}} \right)$, break 9. else 10. ${N_2} = {N_2} + 1$ 11. end if 12. end while 13. if $\left| { {D_m}p_m^{ {\rm{com} }{ {\rm{N} }_{\rm{1} } } } - {V^{ {N_1} } }\alpha _m^{ {N_1} }\lg \left( {1 + \dfrac{ {p_m^{ {\rm{com} }{ {\rm{N} }_{\rm{1} } } }{h_m} } }{ {\alpha _m^{ {N_1} }{N_0}{B_{ {\rm{SC} } } } } } } \right)} \right| < {\delta _1}$ then 14. $\{ {{{p}}^*},{{{\alpha}} ^*}\} = \{ {{{p}}^{{\rm{com}}{{\rm{N}}_{\rm{1}}}}},{{{\alpha}} ^{{N_1}}}\} $ 15. else 16. 令${V^{ {N_1} + 1} } \!\!=\! {D_m}p_m^{ {\rm{com} }{ {\rm{N} }_{\rm{1} } } }/\alpha _m^{ {N_1} }{B_{ {\rm{SC} } } }\lg \!\left( {1 \!+\! \dfrac{ {p_m^{ {\rm{com} }{ {\rm{N} }_{\rm{1} } } }{h_m} } }{ {\alpha _m^{ {N_1} }{N_0}{B_{ {\rm{SC} } } } } } } \right)$ 17. end if 18. end while 19. 输出无线资源调度优化解${{{p}}^*}$, ${{{\alpha}} ^*}$ 表 4 仿真参数
参数 数值 系统带宽 10 MHz(50PRBs) 路径损耗模型 UrbanMicro(UMi) 最大传输功率 23 dBm 计算资源单价 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 unit/cycle 计算密度 297.62 cycle/bit 链路传输速率 1 Mb/s 参数 数值 卸载业务到达 泊松分布 莱斯因子 6 dB 滑动窗口大小 60 ms 平滑指数 0.7 雾计算资源量 1 G cycle 云层计算能力 2 G cycle/s 参数 数值 比特到达速率 0.4 Mbit/ms 噪声功率 –174 dBm/Hz PRB单价 1, 1.5, 2 unit/PRB 仿真时间 6000 ms 队列上溢概率 0.2 单位$t$功率消耗 0.01 W -
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