A Novel Radiometric Signature of Time-Division Multiple Access Signals and Its Application to Specific Emitter Identification
摘要: 时分多址(TDMA)信号特定辐射源识别(SEI)的性能主要受限于突发数据的长度。为此,该文提出一种新的射频特征,从载波相位上揭示了相邻时隙的用户是否相同,为相同用户的数据累积提供了依据。该文首先分析了特征的产生机理,并给出了提取方法;根据特征的统计特性,推导了自适应的判决门限,实现了相邻时隙用户身份的检测;在此基础上,设计了新的SEI处理流程,通过数据累积打破了每个时隙单独识别的传统思维。实验结果表明:该特征对噪声具备良好的鲁棒性,能够实现相邻时隙用户身份的准确检测;与传统做法相比,新的处理流程能够有效改善TDMA信号SEI的性能。Abstract: For Time-Division Multiple Access (TDMA) signals, the performance of Specific Emitter Identification (SEI) is primarily limited by burst duration. To remedy this shortcoming, a novel radiometric signature is presented, which reveals whether the users of the adjacent time slots are the same from a perspective of carrier phase, thereby providing the basis for data accumulation of the same user. First, the feature mechanism is introduced, as well as the extraction method. Thereafter, user identity detection of the adjacent slots is implemented with an adaptive threshold, which is derived from the distribution of the signature. Finally, a new SEI processing procedure is designed with data accumulation, which breaks the routine of identifying only one slot at a time. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed signature is resilient against the noise, and can accurately detect the user identity of the adjacent slots. Compared with the traditional processing procedure, the proposed one can effectively improve the SEI performance of TDMA signals.
表 1 不同信噪比下的检测性能
信噪比${{{E_S}} / {{N_0}}}$(dB) 判决门限$\gamma $ 检测概率${P_{\rm{d}}}$(%) 检测正确率${P_{\rm{c}}}$(%) 10 0.0582 99.6723 97.2490 12 0.0467 99.6969 97.6732 14 0.0386 99.7077 98.0256 16 0.0336 99.7108 98.2951 18 0.0304 99.7369 98.4334 20 0.0285 99.7431 98.5184 22 0.0273 99.8092 98.6035 24 0.0266 99.8215 98.6404 -
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