Neighbor Information Constrained Node Scheduling in Stochastic Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks
摘要: 针对高密度部署的随机异构传感器网络内部存在的覆盖冗余问题,该文提出一种随机异构无线传感器网络的节点调度算法(NSSH)。在网络原型拓扑的支撑下构建Delaunary三角剖分,规划出节点进行本地化调度的局部工作子集。通过折中与邻近节点的空外接圆半径,完成对感知半径的独立配置;引入几何线、面概念,利用重叠面积和有效约束圆弧完成对灰、黑色节点的分类识别,使得节点仅依赖本地及邻居信息进行半径调整和冗余休眠。仿真结果表明,NSSH能以低复杂度的代价,近似追平贪婪算法的去冗余性能,并表现出了对网络规模、异构跨度和参数配置的低敏感性。Abstract: Considering coverage redundancy problem existed in random heterogeneous sensor networks with high density deployment, a Node Scheduling algorithm for Stochastic Heterogeneous wireless sensor networks(NSSH) is proposed. The Delaunary triangulation is constructed based on the network prototype topology to work out a local subset of nodes for localization scheduling. Independent configuration of the perceived radius is achieved by discounting the radius of the circumcircle with the adjacent node. The concept of geometric line and plane is introduced, and the overlapping area and the effective constrained arcs are used to classify and identify the grey and black nodes. So the node only relies on local and neighbor information for radius adjustment and redundant node sleep. The simulation results show that NSSH can approximately match the dropping redundancy of greedy algorithm at the cost of low complexity, and exhibit low sensitivity to network size, heterogeneous span and parameter configuration.
Key words:
- Sensor network /
- Stochastic heterogeneous /
- Coverage /
- Node scheduling /
- Neighbor information
表 1 半径调整算法步骤
半径调整算法(${T^i},{r_i}$) (1) $r_{\rm c}^i = \varnothing $ (2) for $p = 1:P$ (3) calculate the radius $r_{{\rm{cp}}}^i$ of ${T_p}^i$//计算空外接圆半径 (4) $r_{\rm c}^i = r_{\rm c}^i \cup r_{ {\rm{cp} } }^i$ (5) end for (6 ${r_i} = \min ({r_i},\max \left( {r_{\rm c}^i} \right))$//若$\max \left( {r_{\rm c}^i} \right) > {r_i}$,则保留原${r_i}$ (7) return (${r_i}$) 表 2 NSSH算法步骤
NSSH (${T^i}$,${r_i}$,${\rm{N}}{{\rm{e}}_i}$,${\theta _{{\rm{th}}}}$,${\left| {{\rm{arc}}} \right|_{{\rm{th}}}}$,$k$) (1) 初始化:${\rm{s}}{{\rm{t}}_i} = 1$, ${\stackrel \frown {{\rm{ar}}{{\rm{c}}_i}}}=\varnothing$ (2) ${r_i}$=半径调整算法(${T^i},{r_i}$) (3) for $q = 1:Q$ (4) ${\rm{if}}({\theta _{i,jq}} > {\theta _{{\rm{th}}}})$) //基于定义5和式(1)判定灰色节点 (5) ${\rm{s}}{{\rm{t}}_i} = 0$ (6) end if (7) ${\stackrel \frown {{\rm{ar}}{{\rm{c}}_i}}}={\stackrel \frown {{\rm{ar}}{{\rm{c}}_i}}} \cup {\stackrel \frown {{\rm{ar}}{{\rm{c}}_{i\_jq}}}}$ //计算有效约束圆弧 (8) end for (9) calculate $\left| {{\rm{ar}}{{\rm{c}}_i}} \right|$ ${k_i}$ //基于式(2)—式(4)计算有效约束圆弧度
数,统计${s_i}$的覆盖度${k_i}$(10) if ($\left| {{\rm{ar}}{{\rm{c}}_i}} \right| \ge {\left| {{\rm{arc}}} \right|_{{\rm{th}}}}{\rm{\& \& }}{k_i} \ge k$)//基于定义6判定黑色节点 (11) ${\rm{s}}{{\rm{t}}_i} = 0$ (12) end if (13) return (${\rm{s}}{{\rm{t}}_i}$) 表 3 5种算法参数
算法 节点数目 $N = {\rm{100}}$, $N = {\rm{150}}$ $N = {\rm{200}}$, $N = {\rm{250}}$ $N = {\rm{300}}$, $N = {\rm{350}}$ $N = {\rm{400}}$, $N = {\rm{450}}$ $N = {\rm{500}}$ NSSH ${\theta _{{\rm{th}}}} = 0.82$ ${\left| {{\rm{arc}}} \right|_{{\rm{th}}}} = 1.96{\text{π}} $ $k{\rm{ = 2}}$ GGA $\mu {\rm{ = 0}}{\rm{.9}}$ MCLC $\Delta c < 0.05$ COAN ${r_{{\rm{thr}}}} = 4.4$
${\eta _{{\rm{thr}}}} = 1.87{\text{π}} $
${m_{{\rm{thr}}}} = 11$
$k = 1$${r_{{\rm{thr}}}} = 4.6$
${\eta _{{\rm{thr}}}} = 1.9{\text{π}} $
${m_{{\rm{thr}}}} = 12$
$k = 1$${r_{{\rm{thr}}}} = 4.8$
${\eta _{{\rm{thr}}}} = 1.93{\text{π}}$
${m_{t{\rm{hr}}}} = 13$
$k = 1$${r_{{\rm{thr}}}} = 5.2$
${\eta _{{\rm{thr}}}} = 1.96{\text{π}} $
${m_{{\rm{thr}}}} = 13$
$k = 1$${r_{{\rm{thr}}}} = 5.4$
${\eta _{{\rm{thr}}}} = 1.98{\text{π}} $
${m_{{\rm{thr}}}} = 15$
$k = 1$NDBS ${k_2}({r_1}/{r_2}) = 4$
${k_2}({r_2}/{r_1}) = 7$
${k_3}({r_1}/{r_2}) = 7$
${k_3}({r_2}/{r_1}) = 16$${k_2}({r_1}/{r_2}) = 4$
${k_2}({r_2}/{r_1}) = 8$
${k_3}({r_1}/{r_2}) = 8$
${k_3}({r_2}/{r_1}) = 16$${k_2}({r_1}/{r_2}) = 4$
${k_2}({r_2}/{r_1}) = 7$
${k_3}({r_1}/{r_2}) = 8$
${k_3}({r_2}/{r_1}){\rm{ = 15}}$${k_2}({r_1}/{r_2}) = 3$
${k_2}({r_2}/{r_1}) = 6$
${k_3}({r_1}/{r_2}) = 7$
${k_3}({r_2}/{r_1}) = 14$${k_2}({r_1}/{r_2}) = 3$
${k_2}({r_2}/{r_1}) = 6$
${k_3}({r_1}/{r_2}) = 6$
${k_3}({r_2}/{r_1}) = 13$注:表中参数$\Delta c$代表MCLC算法覆盖子集的约束条件,${r_{{\rm{thr}}}}$, ${\eta _{{\rm{thr}}}}$, ${m_{{\rm{thr}}}}$仅针对COAN算法,${k_2}({r_1}/{r_2})$, ${k_2}({r_2}/{r_1})$, ${k_3}({r_1}/{r_2})$, ${k_3}({r_2}/{r_1})$仅针对NDBS算法,具体参数解释可查阅文献[8,9]。 -
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