Driver Fatigue Detection Through Deep Transfer Learning in an Electroencephalogram-based System
摘要: 脑电信号一直被誉为疲劳检测的“金标准”,驾驶者的精神状态可通过对脑电信号的分析得到。但由于脑电信号具有非线性、非平稳性和空间分辨率低等特点,传统的机器学习方法在运用脑电信号进行疲劳检测时还存在识别率低,特征提取操作繁琐等不足。为此,该文基于脑电信号的电极-频率分布图,提出运用深度迁移学习实现的驾驶疲劳检测方法,即搭建深度卷积神经网络,并利用SEED脑电情绪数据集对其进行预训练,然后通过迁移学习方法将其用于驾驶疲劳检测。实验结果表明,卷积神经网络模型能够很好地从电极-频率分布图中获得与疲劳状态相关的特征信息,达到较好的识别效果。此外,基于迁移学习策略可以将训练好的深度网络模型迁移到其他识别任务上,有助于推动脑电信号在驾驶疲劳检测系统中的应用。Abstract: ElectroEncephaloGram (EEG) is regarded as a " gold standard” of fatigue detection and drivers’ vigilance states can be detected through the analysis of EEG signals. However, due to the characteristics of non-linear, non-stationary and low spatial resolution of EEG signals, traditional machine learning methods still have the disadvantages of low recognition rate and complicated feature extraction operations in EEG-based fatigue detection task. To tackle this problem, a fatigue detection method with transfer learning based on the Electrode-Frequency Distribution Maps (EFDMs) of EEG signals is proposed. A deep convolutional neural network is designed and pre-trained with SEED dataset, and then it is used for fatigue detection with transfer learning strategy. Experimental results show that the proposed convolutional neural network can automatically obtain vigilance related features from EFDMs, and achieve much better recognition results than traditional machine learning methods. Moreover, based on the transfer learning strategy, this model can also be used for other recognition tasks, which is helpful for promoting the application of EEG signals to the driver fatigue detection system.
表 1 基于2层残差块的卷积神经网络模型的详细结构参数
网络层类型 特征层数 特征层尺寸 输入层 100×30 残差块1 卷积层Conv1_1(3×3)、批归一化(32) 32 100×30 卷积层Conv1_2(3×3)、批归一化(32) 32 100×30 卷积层Conv2(1×1)、批归一化(32) 32 100×30 池化层1 最大池化(2, 2) 32 50×15 残差块2 卷积层Conv1_1(3×3)、批归一化(64) 64 50×15 卷积层Conv1_2(3×3)、批归一化(64) 64 50×15 卷积层Conv2(1×1)、批归一化(64) 64 50×15 池化层2 最大池化(2, 2) 64 25×7 全连接层1 全连接 1024 全连接层2 全连接 3 输出层 Softmax 3 表 2 疲劳驾驶实验时间安排表
时间 事件 11:30~12:10 搭建实验平台,向被试说明实验要求和实验过程中的注意事项等; 12:10~12:20 被试者针对模拟驾驶环境进行适应性练习; 12:20~15:10 开始测试,被试者进行持续驾驶,实验组织人员记录实验相关数据; 15:10~ 整理实验设备,实验完成。 表 3 不同方法在SEED数据集上的识别结果
表 4 不同的模式识别方法对疲劳状态的识别结果
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