High Precision Time and Frequency Integration Transfer via Optical Fiber
摘要: 为满足各工程应用领域对于高精度时间频率同步的需求,降低系统复杂度,保障大规模光纤时频传递网络的顺利建设,该文提出基于伪码调制技术的光纤时间频率一体化传递方法,设计并搭建了光纤时间频率一体化传递系统,完成了光纤单向和双向时频一体化传递。在单向时频传递试验中,分析了温度变化对于系统传输时延的影响;在双向时频传递试验中,实现了时间频率的高精度传递,系统附加时间传递抖动为0.28 ps/s, 0.82 ps/1000 s,附加频率传递不稳定度为4.94×10–13/s, 6.39×10–17/40000 s。试验结果表明,该方法实现了时间、频率一体化高精度同步,且系统附加时间传递抖动优于目前各光纤时间同步方案。Abstract: To satisfy the demand of the high precision time and frequency synchronization for engineering application, to reduce system complexity and ensure the construction of large-scale optical fiber network for time and frequency transmission, a method of high precision time and frequency integration transfer via optical fiber based on pseudo-code modulation is developed. The optical fiber time and frequency transfer system is designed and built. The unidirectional and bidirectional time and frequency transfer test via optical fiber are completed. In the unidirectional time-frequency transfer test, the influence of temperature change on the transmission delay of the system is analyzed. In the bidirectional time-frequency transfer test, the system additional time transfer jitter is 0.28 ps/s, 0.82 ps/1000 s, the additional frequency transfer instability is 4.94×10–13/s, and 6.39×10–17/40000 s. The results show that the proposed method achieves high precision time and frequency integration synchronization, and the system additional time transfer jitter is better than the current optical fiber time synchronization schemes.
Key words:
- Optical fiber /
- Time transfer /
- Frequency transfer /
- Pseudo-code modulation
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