A New Prompt 2-D Attitude Steering Approach for Zero Doppler Centroid of GEOsynchronous SAR
- 地球同步轨道合成孔径雷达 /
- 残留多普勒中心 /
- 2维俯仰–滚动姿态导引
Abstract:A new prompt 2-D attitude steering approach for zero Doppler centroid of GEOsynchronous SAR (GEOSAR) is proposed. Large yaw angle of GEOSAR in traditional 2-D yaw steering condition can be solved by this method. It is suited to the large satellite such as GEOSAR. The GEOSAR can achieve broadside imaging when this method is applied. Compared to the traditional attitude steering approach, the steering angle and time are just 1/10 of it, and the developing difficulty of GEOSAR becomes lower through this new method. This approach is propitious to GEOSAR. When it is employed to SAR satellites with different altitudes, the residual Doppler centroid is accurate zero in all the conditions. Besides, an attitude selection reference standard is illustrated for different altitude orbital satellites.
表 1 各轨高SAR卫星仿真参数
参数名称 LEOSAR MEOSAR GEOSAR 轨道高度 (km) 514 12000 35792 轨道倾角(°) 97.42 40 30 轨道偏心率 0.003 0.003 0.003 入射角(°) 45 45 45 近地点幅角(°) 90 90 90 升交点赤经(°) 0 0 0 地球模型 WSG84 WSG84 WSG84 系统波长(m) 0.031 0.031 0.031 表 2 GEOSAR从待机状态启动至正侧视成像状态的耗时对比
姿控角速率(°/s) 2维偏航导引(min) 2维俯仰-滚动导引(min) 0.01 125 12.7 0.02 62.5 6.3 0.03 42.7 4.2 -
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