Adaptive Design of Limiters for Impulsive Noise Suppression
Abstract:An adaptive method of limiter design is proposed to suppress impulsive noise. With a purpose of maximizing the efficacy function, the proposed method searches for optimal thresholds of clipper and blanker, via adaptive line search. Firstly, based on analysis on the relationship between the efficacy and the nonlinearity, the key problem of optimization is proposed. Then, since the calculation of efficacy is hard, an adaptive algorithm based on linear search approach is developed based on linear search to optimize the efficacy. Considering the noise distribution is unknown, the proposed method employs the nonparametric kernel density estimation and works robustly in the presence of estimation error. Finally, numeric simulations demonstrate that the proposed method can obtain the optimal performance of clippers and blankers successfully. In the processing of real atmospheric noise from unknown distribution, the proposed method achieves the best detection performance when combining nonparametric kernel density estimation approach.
Key words:
- Nonlinear processing /
- Efficiency function /
- Adaptive optimization /
- Clipper /
- Blanker
表 1 限幅器的自适应优化处理算法
步骤 1 设置初始值${\tau _0} > 0$,初始步长${d_0} = 0.5{\tau _0}$,迭代次数
$k = 0$,计算效能值${\eta _0} = \eta (g, f, {\tau _0})$;步骤 2 令${\tau _{k + 1}} = {\tau _k} + {d_k}$,并计算效能值${\eta _{k{\rm{ + 1}}}} = \eta (g, f, {\tau _{k + 1}})$。若
${\eta _{k{\rm{ + 1}}}} > {\eta _k}$,转步骤3;否则,转步骤4;步骤 3 正向搜索。令${d_{k + 1}} = 2{d_k}$, $\tau = {\tau _k}$, ${\tau _k} = {\tau _{k + 1}}$, ${\eta _k} = {\eta _{k{\rm{ + 1}}}}$,
$k = k + 1$,转步骤2;步骤 4 反向搜索。若$k = 0$,则令${d_1} = - {d_0}$, $\tau = {\tau _1}$, ${\tau _1} = {\tau _0}$,
${\eta _1} = {\eta _0}$, $k = 1$,转步骤2;否则,停止迭代;步骤 5 设置线搜索参数,容许误差比率$\lambda $。迭代次数j=0;令
${l_0} = {\rm{min}}\{ \tau, {\tau _{k + 1}}\} $, ${r_0} = {\rm{max}}\{ \tau, {\tau _{k + 1}}\} $, ${p_0} = {l_0} $
$ 0.382\left( {{r_0} - {l_0}} \right)$, ${q_0} = {l_0} + 0.618\left( {{r_0} - {l_0}} \right)$;步骤 6 条件判断。若$\eta (g, f, {p_j}) \ge \eta (g, f, {q_j})$,转步骤7,否则转
步骤8;步骤 7 计算左试探点。若$|{q_j} - {l_j}|/{r_j} > \lambda $,则令${l_{j + 1}} = {l_j}$, ${r_{j + 1}} $
$ ={q_j}$, $\eta (g, f, {q_{j + 1}}) = \eta (g, f, {p_j})$, ${q_{j + 1}} = {p_j}$, ${p_{j + 1}} = $
$ {l_{j + 1}} + 0.382({r_{j + 1}} - {l_{j + 1}})$,计算效能值$\eta (g, f, {p_{j + 1}})$,
$j = j + 1$,转步骤6;否则,停止搜索并
输出最佳门限值${p_j}$;步骤 8 计算右试探点。若$|{r_j} - {p_j}{\rm{|/}}{r_j} > \lambda $,则令${l_{j + 1}} = {p_j}$, ${r_{j + 1}} $
$={r_j}$, $\eta (g, f, {p_{j + 1}}) = \eta (g, f, {q_j})$, ${p_{j + 1}} = {q_j}$, ${q_{j + 1}} =$
$ {l_{j + 1}} + 0.618({r_{j + 1}} - {l_{j + 1}})$,计算效能值$\eta (g, f, {q_{j + 1}})$,
$j = j + 1$,转步骤6;否则,停止搜索并输
出最佳门限值${q_j}$。表 2 Class A分布下(
${A}{,} {Γ} $ )-${τ} $ 变化,${{σ}^2}$ =1$A, {\rm{ }}\varGamma $ $0.1, {\rm{ }}{10^{ - 3}}$ $0.35, {\rm{ }}{10^{ - 3}}$ $0.5, {\rm{ }}{10^{ - 3}}$ $0.1, {\rm{ }}{10^{ - 2}}$ $0.35, {\rm{ }}{10^{ - 2}}$ $0.5, {\rm{ }}{10^{ - 2}}$ ${\tau _{{\rm{opt\_}}b}}{\rm{ - PDF}}$(${\eta _{{\rm{opt\_}}b}}$) 0.1296(888.8429) 0.1094(647.4406) 0.0996(532.3140) 0.3397(87.5188) 0.2898(59.1912) 0.2698(46.5176) ${\tau _{{\rm{opt\_}}c}}{\rm{ - PDF}}$(${\eta _{{\rm{opt\_}}c}}$) 0.0386(671.5877) 0.0232(356.9533) 0.0188(257.2668) 0.1181(69.5440) 0.0743(38.4601) 0.0623(28.4378) ${\tau _{{\rm{opt\_}}b}}{\rm{ - KDE}}$(${\eta _{{\rm{opt\_}}b}}$) 0.1199(877.9385) 0.1094(631.7642) 0.0994(510.9088) 0.3494(85.5270) 0.2937(57.2562) 0.2708(43.9273) ${\tau _{{\rm{opt\_}}c}}{\rm{ - KDE}}$(${\eta _{{\rm{opt\_}}c}}$) 0.0396(665.3161) 0.0239(349.5658) 0.0197(247.0483) 0.1197(68.3936) 0.0786(36.7663) 0.0651(26.4190) 表 3
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