Integration of MIMO Radar and Communication with OFDM-LFM Signals
雷达通信一体化具有频谱利用率高、设备少等优势,该文在OFDM-LFM MIMO雷达的基础上,通过改变每个阵元发射信号的初始频率实现了雷达通信一体化。通信接收端通过判别信号的频率实现信息解调;雷达接收端通过时域频谱拼接实现信号合成,达到与传统OFDM-LFM MIMO雷达一样的距离分辨率。该方法将数据嵌入到发射信号中,改变了发射信号的初始频率,但没有影响信号之间的正交性。因此,该方法没有改变MIMO雷达的全向方向图,同时也使得通信方向是全向的。仿真实验表明了该方法在雷达和通信两个方面的有效性。
- 雷达通信一体化 /
- 信号共享
Abstract:Integration of radar and communication on the electronic war platform is an effective method to reduce volume and enhance spectrum usage and efficiency. A transmitted pattern based on OFDM-LFM MIMO radar is designed to realize the integration of radar and communication by changing initial frequency. The communication receiver interpretation of the bit is based on the initial frequency of the signal. In radar receiver, the same range resolution as tradition OFDM-LFM MIMO radar can be get with get the time domain synthetic bandwidth methods. The proposed method changes the initial frequency without changing the omnidirectional pattern because the orthogonal transmitted signals are nonoverlapping in the spectrum. Simulation examples are provided for performance evaluation and to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed information embedding technique.
表 1 一体化发射信号参数
天线序列 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 发送数据 0 1 1 0 初始频率(MHz) 0 1 2 2.99 4 4.99 6 7 脉冲宽度(μs) 100 100 101 99 101 99 100 100 -
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