Training Multi-layer Perceptrons Using Chaos Grey Wolf Optimizer
Abstract:The Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) algorithm mimics the leadership hierarchy and hunting mechanism of grey wolves in nature, and it is an algorithm with high level of exploration and exploitation capability. This algorithm has good performance in searching for the global optimum, but it suffers from unbalance between exploitation and exploration. An improved Chaos Grey Wolf Optimizer called CGWO is proposed, for solving complex classification problem. In the proposed algorithm, Cubic chaos theory is used to modify the position equation of GWO, which strengthens the diversity of individuals in the iterative search process. A novel nonlinear convergence factor is designed to replace the linear convergence factor of GWO, so that it can coordinate the balance of exploration and exploitation in the CGWO algorithm. The CGWO algorithm is used as the trainer of the Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs), and 3 complex classification problems are classified. The statistical results prove the CGWO algorithm is able to provide very competitive results in terms of avoiding local minima, solution precision, converging speed and robustness.
表 1 3位奇偶校验问题(3 bit XOR)
输入 输出 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 表 2 5种算法对3 bit XOR问题10次独立运行结果的比较
算法 平均值 中值 标准差 最好值 PSO-MLP 1.48e–04 1.65e–05 2.40e–04 7.67e–09 GSA-MLP 2.35e–01 2.38e–01 1.17e–02 2.10e–01 PSOGSA-MLP 1.27e–02 9.29e–06 2.57e–02 1.64e–09 GWO-MLP 7.00e–03 6.07e–03 1.89e–02 2.90e–05 CGWO-MLP 6.01e–06 1.21e–08 1.33e–05 2.69e–09 表 3 5种算法对气球分类问题10次独立运行结果的比较
算法 平均值 中值 标准差 最好值 PSO-MLP 0 0 0 0 GSA-MLP 5.90e–03 4.10e–03 6.00e–03 4.69e–04 PSOGSA-MLP 9.85e–32 9.73e–40 2.94e–31 3.81e–61 GWO-MLP 1.12e–18 3.56e–20 2.38e–18 2.49e–26 CGWO-MLP 2.35e–15 2.07e–18 5.03e–15 1.00e–18 表 4 5种算法对虹膜分类问题10次独立运行结果的比较
算法 平均值 中值 标准差 最好值 PSO-MLP 2.70e–02 2.47e–02 1.76e–02 6.20e–03 GSA-MLP 1.83e–01 1.89e–01 2.30e–02 1.48e–01 PSOGSA-MLP 4.91e–02 1.84e–02 1.01e–01 1.16e–02 GWO-MLP 2.27e–02 2.19e–02 2.70e–03 1.71e–02 CGWO-MLP 1.90e–02 1.82e–02 4.10e–03 1.39e–02 -
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