Cluster-based Algorithm of Reconnaissance UAV Swarm Based on Wireless Ultraviolet Secret Communication
Abstract:Focusing on the reconnaissance mission of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) swarm under complex battlefield environment, the non-uniform energy consumption during the information transmission between UAVs affects the efficient implementation of the reconnaissance mission, thus a cluster-based algorithm of reconnaissance UAV swarm based on wireless ultraviolet secret communication is proposed. Combined the advantages of wireless ultraviolet scattering communication, this algorithm uses cluster topology management mechanism to balance the energy consumption of UAV swarm. Simulation results show that the algorithm can effectively balance the network energy consumption and improve the transmission efficiency of the network when compared with the existing algorithm, and the lifetime of swarm can be extended when selecting the appropriate packet length and node density.
表 1 实验参数
参数 取值 节点数 100 节点通信能量 300 J ${E_T}$ 8.0 μJ ${E_R}$ 8.0 μJ ${E_{{\rm{DA}}}}$ 0.8 μJ 波长$\lambda $ 266 nm 吸收系数${k_a}$ $0.740 \times {10^{ - 3}}$ m–1 散射系数${k_s}$ $0.515 \times {10^{ - 3}}$ m–1 接收孔径面积${A_r}$ 1.92 cm2 瑞利散射相函数参数$\gamma $ 0.017 斜发收${\beta _t}$, ${\beta _r}$ 60° 斜发收${\theta _t}$, ${\theta _r}$ 15° -
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