Investigation on the Radiated Interference E-field Threshold Testing for Common-mode Interference of Transmission Lines in Reverberation Chambers
Abstract:To test the radiated interference E-field threshold of Equipment Under Test (EUT) with common-mode interference of transmission lines in reverberation chambers and unify the test results with the open areas, the range of the maximum directivity of the lines with random loads is calculated by the derivation of the equation of the common-mode currents and decomposition of the currents into the corresponding characteristic ones. The calculated results are validated with the experiments performed in a reverberation chamber and an open area, respectively, with a single conductor line and a coaxial cable as the EUT. The theoretical and experimental results show that the test results in the two different areas can be unified with the calculated results. The common mode interference of two conductor lines and coaxial cables can be equivalent to single conductor lines and the bend of the lines almost has no influence on the test results.
表 1 混响室中参数计算结果(单线)
(GHz)Dmax, h Dmax, l $\sigma $
(V·m–1)0.15 2.72 1.28 5.73 17.76 9.86 8.95 0.20 2.86 1.33 6.60 20.60 11.32 10.55 0.25 3.36 1.64 5.01 15.06 10.01 8.71 0.30 4.06 1.85 6.59 15.54 11.78 9.85 0.35 4.18 1.89 4.38 14.67 9.79 7.61 0.40 4.68 2.29 4.68 10.38 6.68 5.25 0.45 5.30 2.28 5.40 10.77 7.99 6.63 0.50 5.34 2.43 5.89 9.70 9.02 7.65 0.55 5.86 2.77 6.76 12.15 10.36 8.77 0.60 6.43 2.82 5.84 11.31 8.30 7.09 0.65 6.38 3.01 5.76 9.78 7.51 6.04 0.70 6.94 3.11 7.13 10.73 8.17 6.30 0.75 7.48 3.06 7.41 11.83 8.35 6.56 2.60 16.49 8.16 9.46 –10.7 3.44 2.75 2.70 17.38 7.44 5.42 –6.56 4.73 3.99 2.80 18.09 7.38 9.30 –3.16 7.53 6.08 2.90 17.75 8.63 10.34 –2.20 7.38 5.71 3.00 18.56 8.16 8.91 –5.72 7.04 5.84 3.10 19.40 8.01 10.53 –4.96 8.83 7.32 3.20 18.97 9.16 10.55 –5.08 7.60 6.02 3.30 19.79 8.50 10.76 –9.74 7.71 5.94 3.40 20.70 8.60 9.15 –9.05 7.26 6.07 3.50 20.12 9.57 7.98 –12.65 6.23 5.08 3.60 20.87 9.10 7.38 –10.99 4.97 3.81 3.70 21.89 9.03 11.16 –1.89 7.95 6.41 3.80 21.34 10.12 8.15 –6.18 6.35 5.32 表 2 混响室中参数计算结果(同轴线)
f (GHz) Dmax, h Dmax, l $\sigma $ (V·m–1) Ws (dBm) Esh (V·m–1) Esl (V·m–1) 2.6 16.85 7.01 18.07 –50.82 15.00 9.67 2.7 16.49 7.89 21.06 –52.00 16.48 11.40 2.8 17.26 7.59 17.18 –52.50 13.70 9.09 2.9 17.98 7.67 19.97 –55.88 15.84 10.35 3.0 17.64 8.95 16.93 –55.01 12.43 8.85 3.1 18.54 7.78 13.18 –55.50 10.38 6.72 3.2 19.08 8.09 14.60 –53.20 11.28 7.34 3.3 18.75 9.25 15.23 –54.40 11.00 7.73 3.4 20.01 8.26 14.32 –57.29 10.95 7.03 3.5 20.14 8.61 13.95 –56.83 10.45 6.83 3.6 19.86 9.46 11.41 –54.43 8.15 5.63 3.7 21.16 9.03 12.54 –43.85 9.17 5.99 3.8 21.04 9.52 13.97 –47.08 9.95 6.69 -
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