Shift-variant Similarity Learning for Person Re-identification
摘要: 行人重识别的精确度主要取决于相似性度量方法和特征学习模型。现有的度量方法存在平移不变性的特点,会增加网络参数训练的难度。现有的几种特征学习模型只强调样本之间的绝对距离而忽略了正样本对和负样本对之间的相对距离,造成网络学习到的特征判别性不强。针对现有度量方法的缺点该文提出一种平移变化的距离度量方法,能够简化网络的优化并能高效度量图像之间的相似性。针对特征学习模型的不足,提出一种增大间隔的逻辑回归模型,模型通过增大正负样本对之间的相对距离,使得网络得到的特征判别性更强。实验中,在Market1501和CUHK03数据库上对所提度量方式和特征学习模型的有效性进行验证,实验结果表明,所提度量方式性能更好,其平均精确率超出马氏距离度量6.59%,且所提特征学习模型也取得了很好的性能,算法的平均精确率较现有的先进算法有显著提高。Abstract: The accuracy of pedestrian re-recognition mainly depends on the similarity measure and the feature learning model. The existing measurement methods have the characteristics of translation invariance, which make the training of network parameters difficult. Several existing feature learning models only emphasize the absolute distance between sample pairs, but ignore the relative distance between positive sample pairs and negative sample pairs, resulting in a weak discriminant feature in network learning. In view of the shortcomings of existing measurement methods, a distance measurement method of translation change is presented, which can effectively measure the similarity between images. To overcome the shortcomings of the feature learning model, based on the proposed translation distance metric, a new logistic regression model with enlarged intervals is proposed. By increasing the relative distance between the positive and negative sample pairs, the network can get more discriminant features. In the experiment, the validity of the proposed measurement and the feature learning model is verified on the Market1501, CUHK03 database. Experimental results show that the proposed metric performs better than the Mahalanobis distance metric 6.59%, and the proposed feature learning algorithm also achieves good performance. The average precision of the algorithm is improved significantly compared with the existing advanced algorithms.
Key words:
- Person Re-identification /
- Shift-variant /
- Similarity learning /
- Logistic regression
图 3 不同距离度量方式的t-SNE[21]图
图 5 本文模型在Market1501测试数据集上的t-SNE[21]可视化图
表 1 与其他不同的距离度量方式相比
不同的度量方式 Market1501 rank-1 rank-5 rank-10 mAP 欧氏距离 55.08 75.03 82.63 37.53 马氏距离 65.68 83.82 88.93 48.14 加权内积距离(本文) 71.37 88.51 93.17 54.73 表 2 和先进算法在Market1501数据库上对比
方法 Market1501 rank-1 rank-5 rank-10 mAP Null Space[22] 55.43 – – 29.87 LSTM Siamese[19] 61.6 – – 35.3 Gated Siamese[18] 65.88 – – 39.55 DLCE (Pairwise)[6] 64.58 – – 44.94 DLSGLE(R)[23] 72.3 86.4 90.6 46.78 P2P[24] 61.31 – – 35.71 P2S[24] 70.72 – – 42.27 SOMAnet[25] 73.87 88.03 92.22 47.89 本文模型(t=0) 64.96 85.78 91.3 49.9 本文模型 71.37 88.51 93.17 54.73 表 3 和先进算法在CUHK03数据库上对比
方法 CUHK03 rank-1 rank-5 rank-10 mAP BoW+KISSME 24.33 – – – Deep ReID[8] 19.9 49.3 64.7 – Null Space[22] 62.55 90.05 94.8 29.87 LSTM Siamese[19] 57.3 80.1 88.3 46.3 Gated Siamese[18] 68.1 88.1 94.6 58.84 DLCE (Pairwise)[6] 64.58 – – 44.94 DLSGLE(R)[23] 73.2 93.7 97.2 – SIR&CIR[10] 52.17 – – – Triplet(Embedding)[26] 60.13 90.51 95.15 – Triplet(Learned Metric) 61.60 92.41 97.47 – SOMAnet[25] 68.9 91.1 95.6 – 本文模型(t=0) 73.07 95.71 98.54 77.96 本文模型 78.81 96.72 99.02 82.58 -
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