Neighbor Discovery Mechanism for Underwater Acoustic Communication Networks Based on Directional Transmission and Reception
摘要: 针对水声通信网络邻节点发现困难的问题,该文提出一种基于定向收发的邻节点发现机制。该机制中节点只采用定向方式发送和接收信号,能够避免增益不对称引起的隐藏终端问题,增加网络覆盖范围;时间被划分为邻节点发现时隙和侦听回复时隙,发现时隙中节点发送HELLO信号,然后接收邻节点回复的REPLY信号,侦听回复时隙中节点侦听源节点发送的HELLO信号,然后回复REPLY信号,节点通过基于竞争的HELLO/REPLY两路握手以直接发现和间接发现两种方式完成邻节点发现,能够克服“聋”节点问题,提升邻节点发现效率。仿真结果表明,在不同的网络节点密度与发射天线波束扇区数目条件下,该邻节点发现机制相比随机两路邻节点发现机制,邻节点平均发现时延更短,邻节点发现率更高。Abstract: Considering the difficulty of neighbor discovery in underwater acoustic communication networks, a neighbor discovery mechanism is presented based on directional transmission and reception. In this mechanism, the nodes only send and receive signals directionally, which can avoid the hidden terminal problem caused by asymmetric gain and increase the network coverage. Time is divided into neighbor discovery time slot and listening & reply time slot. In neighbor discovery time slot, the node sends the HELLO signal, and then waits to receive the REPLY signal sent by its neighbor node. In listening & reply time slot, the node listens the channel for the HELLO signal sent by the source node, then replies REPLY signal to the source node. The node can discover its neighbor through HELLO/REPLY two-way handshake based on competition and direct & indirect discovery, which can overcome the " deaf” nodes problem and improve the efficiency of neighbor discovery. Compared with the randomized two-way neighbor discovery mechanism, simulation tests show that the proposed mechanism has the shorter average discovery latency and the higher average discovery ratio in various network density and number of antenna sectors.
表 1 仿真参数
参数 取值 网络部署区域(km2) 5 $ \times $5 节点分布方式 均匀随机分布 节点数目 $N$ 10~100 天线发射波束扇区数目 $M$ 2~6 节点通信距离半径 $r$(km) 1 子时隙时长 $\tau $(ms) 200 仿真时长(s) 1000 水中声信号传播速度(m/s) 1500 -
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