Multi-mode Spread Doppler Clutter Suppression Algorithm of MIMO-OTHR Based on Bi-iterative MVDR Beamformer
摘要: 针对多模传播引起的扩展多普勒杂波影响天波超视距雷达对低可探测慢速舰船目标检测性能的问题,该文在新一代多输入多输出天波超视距雷达系统下,利用双迭代最小方差无失真响应(MVDR)波束形成器抑制多模扩展多普勒杂波。考虑到时间叉排线性调频连续波MIMO天波雷达和慢时间相位编码MIMO天波雷达在有限相干积累时间内的训练样本数有限,且训练样本中包含主选模式期望信号,该文利用阻塞矩阵进行数据预处理,减小训练样本中的主选模式期望信号影响,并将LN×1维“发射-接收”2维权矢量优化分解为L×1维发射权矢量和N×1维接收权矢量,通过双迭代计算恢复出的2维MVDR权矢量来抑制多模扩展多普勒杂波,减小了计算量和样本需求。理论分析和仿真验证了算法的有效性。
- 天波超视距雷达 /
- 扩展多普勒杂波 /
- 多输入多输出 /
- 双迭代最小方差无失真响应 /
- 多模传播
Abstract: Spread Doppler Clutter (SDC) caused by multi-mode propagation restrains the detection performance of Over-The-Horizon Radar (OTHR) for low detectable targets, such as slow ships. To solve this problem, a bi-iterative Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) beamformer is proposed to suppress multi-mode SDC for MIMO OTHR system. As it is difficult to obtain the signal-free training data and enough sample support in MIMO-OTHR with time-staggered linear frequency modulated continuous wave or slow time phase-coded waveforms, the block matrix is used for data preprocessing to reduce the effect of expected signal component in the training data, then multi-mode SDC could be suppressed by the LN-variate MVDR beamformer which is restored through bi-iterative calculation with an L-variate transmit and an N-variate receive beamformer. This algorithm improves the convergence of MVDR beamformer, while reducing the computational load and the requirement of sample support. Theoretical analysis and simulation experiment are presented to verify the effectiveness of this algorithm. -
表 1 各传播模式的DOD, DOA(°)
传播模式 模式1 模式2 模式3 模式4 DOD 60 47 40 55 DOA 60 57 40 45 表 2 各传播模式的归一化增益值(dB)
传播模式 模式1 模式2 模式3 模式4 迭代1次 –8.5 –55.1 –56.2 –52.8 迭代5次 –0.1 –81.7 –68.2 –63.1 -
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