Timing Synchronization Method for Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying Signal Based on Multi-symbol Detection
摘要: 连续相位频移键控(CPFSK)作为遥测体制标准被广泛采纳。多符号检测(MSD)技术能够降低CPFSK信号的解调门限,这要求CPFSK定时同步方法能够在更低的信噪比条件下正常工作。针对现有的CPFSK定时同步方法在低信噪比下同步困难的问题,该文提出一种基于MSD的CPFSK定时同步方法,且适应可变符号速率CPFSK信号接收。数值仿真结果表明,在Eb/N0为0 dB,符号速率为2 Mbps的情况下,该方法的误比特率性能比传统单符号间隔似然检测同步方法提高2 dB;与MSD迟早门时延同步方法性能相近,但消耗的硬件资源不及后者的40%。原理样机实测结果验证了数值仿真和资源评估的正确性。Abstract: Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying (CPFSK) is widely adopted as a standard by the telemetry community. The Multi-Symbol Detection (MSD) technique can increase channel gain for the CPFSK telemetry system. Therefore, the timing synchronization method for CPFSK signal needs to adapt to the scenario with lower SNR. According to existing timing synchronization methods’ poor performance in low SNR, a novel timing synchronization method for CPFSK signal based on MSD is proposed, which is suitable to variable rate. The simulation results show that, when Eb/N0 is 0 dB and symbol rate is 2 Mbps, the proposed method achieves 2 dB more channel gain than the single symbol likelihood decision method, and has similar performance to the early-late gate code synchronization method with reduced hardware resource by 60%. Finally, the validity of the numerical simulation and resource evaluation is verified by principle prototype realization.
表 1 参数列表
参数名称 参数取值 信号体制 CPFSK 符号速率fc 2 Mbps 调制指数h 0.7 符号速率倍数D 8 MSD观察符号数目 5 表 2 硬件资源占用情况
硬件资源 基于MSD的迟早门时延同步 基于MSD的CPFSK定时同步方法 节省资源(%) 查找表 33236 4648 86.02 寄存器 27700 4217 84.78 RAM (bit) 30480 11904 60.94 9×9 DSP单元 424 42 90.09 -
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