Research on Resource Allocation Algorithm for D2D Communications Underlaying LTE-A Networks
摘要: 该文研究了D2D通信使用LTE-A网络上行链路的资源分配问题。首先将问题建模为混合整数非线性规划问题(MINLP),其次根据待接入用户对各信道的青睐程度计算特征值列表并形成相应联盟。在保证各用户服务质量(QoS)的情况下,利用最大加权二部图匹配(MWBM)方法为待接入网络用户寻找合适的资源及复用的组合。仿真结果表明,该算法打破了D2D用户在数据传输过程中一直处于专用或者复用模式的束缚,扩大了D2D用户对可选用的资源范围,与现有算法相比,可有效提高系统的总速率。Abstract: Uplink resource allocation problem in Device-to-Device (D2D) communications underlaying LTE-A networks is analyzed. First, the problem is modeled as a Mixed Integer NonLinear Programming (MINLP). Then the algorithm calculates each waiting user’s identity list in accordance with the preference for channels to form coalitions. On the premise of guaranteeing the Quality of Service (QoS) of users in the system, the suitable resource and reuse partner are assigned to each user through Maximum Weighted Bipartite Matching (MWBM). The simulation results show that this algorithm can break the constraint that D2D pairs can only stay on dedicated or reused mode when they are on data transmission, and expand the range of available resource for D2D users, which increases effectively the system sum-rate compared with the existing algorithm.
表 1
${{η}_{{s},{k}}}$ 在不同情况下的赋值CHk 当前的状态 s 的用户类型 CU D2D用户 已经被CU和D2D用户复用 0 0 只被CU占用 0 1 只被D2D用户占用 1 0 未被占用 1 1 表 2 仿真参数
参数 数值 小区半径 500 m 蜂窝链路的路径损耗 128.1+37.6lg(d[km]) D2D链路的路径损耗 140+40lg(d[km]) 噪声谱密度 –114 dBm/Hz BS的噪声指数 5 dB 用户的噪声指数 9 dB BS的天线增益 14 dBi 设备的天线增益 0 dBi BS的发射功率 46 dBm 蜂窝用户的发射功率 24 dBm D2D用户的发射功率 20 dBm 两种用户的SINR门限值 0 dB -
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