Aircraft Target Classification and Recognition Algorithm Based on Measured Data
摘要: 该文在分析由常规窄带雷达获得的直升机、螺旋桨和喷气式飞机实测回波数据特征的基础上,提出一种基于多特征联合的分类识别算法。通过对大量实测回波数据的特征分析,提取多普勒频移、幅度相对量、时域和频域波形熵、时频特征多个具有明显区分性的特征,将其输入支撑向量机(SVM)分类器实现3类空中目标的分类。在分类的基础上,基于回波数据的时频谱宽和对称性特征,提出一种奇数与偶数片桨叶直升机识别方法。最后实测数据的处理结果验证了所提空中目标分类识别方法的有效性。Abstract: After analyzing the features of three measured data from the low-resolution radar system, corresponding to the helicopter, the propeller, and the turbojet, an algorithm is proposed by using multiple features to classify and recognize the aircraft targets. First, multiple features are extracted, including Doppler frequency shift, relative magnitude, waveform entropy of time and frequency domain, and time-frequency domain features from the measured data. Then, these features are utilized for classification purpose by means of the Support Vector Machine (SVM). Finally, owing to the symmetry and the width of time-frequency distributions of the returned signals between the helicopters with odd and even blades, a method is proposed to recognize of helicopter. The experimental results of measured data verify the effectivity of the proposed algorithms.
表 1 分类结果
特征选择 特征组合1 特征组合2 飞机类别 直升机 螺旋桨 喷气式 直升机 螺旋桨 喷气式 正确分类数 613 1090 525 648 1081 525 总数 637 1092 525 637 1092 525 正确识别率(%) 96.23 99.82 100.00 98.30 98.99 100.00 表 2 识别结果
直9 米171 合计 正确识别数 117 486 603 总数 122 491 613 正确识别率(%) 95.90 98.98 98.37 -
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