A Suppression Algorithm of Blanket-distance Deception Compound Jamming based on Joint Signal-data Processing
摘要: 针对单一信号处理或数据处理对压制-欺骗加性复合干扰抑制效果较差的问题,论文提出一种适用于脉冲压缩雷达的基于信号-数据联合处理的压制-距离欺骗复合干扰抑制算法。首先,通过分数阶傅里叶变换(FRFT)域窄带滤波以及LFM信号重构对消算法,实现信号层对压制干扰的抑制,并减小对真实目标的漏检概率;然后,利用噪声点迹空间相关性较差的特征,通过M/N逻辑法对噪声点迹进行剔除,并对目标点迹进行航迹起始;最后,根据距离假目标航迹角度量测误差方差较大的特点,通过
${\chi ^2}$ 检验以及聚类划分算法,对虚假目标航迹进行剔除,最终实现对压制-欺骗加性复合干扰的抑制。仿真结果表明,该文算法对压制-欺骗复合干扰能够起到较好的抑制效果。-
- 信号-数据联合处理 /
- 压制-距离欺骗复合干扰 /
- 分步抑制 /
- 分数阶傅里叶变换
Abstract: Considering at the problem that the suppression effect of single signal processing or data processing is poor on blanket-deception compound jamming, a suppression algorithm of blanket-distance deception compound jamming based on joint signal-data processing is proposed. Firstly, the Fractional Fourier Transform (FRFT) domain narrowband filtering and LFM signal reconstruction algorithm are used to suppress the suppression of the signal layer and reduce the leakage probability of the real target. Then, the target tracks and the deception tracks are rejected by using the M/N logic method. Finally, according to the different characteristics of the angle variance between the false targets and the true targets, the false targets are eliminated by the${\chi ^2}$ test and the clustering algorithm. The simulation results verify the good effect of the algorithm proposed in this paper. -
表 1 目标检测概率和虚警概率随门限取值变化
门限取值 1 2 3 4 5 6 检测概率 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.88 0.79 虚警概率 0.45 0.23 0.11 0.03 0 0 -
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