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姚志强 李广龙 王仕果 游志宏

姚志强, 李广龙, 王仕果, 游志宏. 基于Golay互补序列的压缩感知稀疏信道估计算法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2016, 38(2): 282-287. doi: 10.11999/JEIT150594
引用本文: 姚志强, 李广龙, 王仕果, 游志宏. 基于Golay互补序列的压缩感知稀疏信道估计算法[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2016, 38(2): 282-287. doi: 10.11999/JEIT150594
YAO Zhiqiang, LI Guanglong, WANG Shiguo, YOU Zhihong. Compressed Sensing Channel Estimation Algorithm Based on Deterministic Sensing with Golay Complementary Sequences[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2016, 38(2): 282-287. doi: 10.11999/JEIT150594
Citation: YAO Zhiqiang, LI Guanglong, WANG Shiguo, YOU Zhihong. Compressed Sensing Channel Estimation Algorithm Based on Deterministic Sensing with Golay Complementary Sequences[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2016, 38(2): 282-287. doi: 10.11999/JEIT150594


doi: 10.11999/JEIT150594


Compressed Sensing Channel Estimation Algorithm Based on Deterministic Sensing with Golay Complementary Sequences


The National Natural Science Foundation of China (61372127), The Natural Science Foundation of Hunan Province (13JJ3065)

  • 摘要: 该文针对现有基于压缩感知的信道估计方法峰均功率比高、计算量大等问题,使用确定性格雷(Golay)序列作为训练序列对稀疏信道进行信道估计,在接收端实现了对信道冲激响应的估计,给出了估计模型和具体的算法推演,推导了该方法的峰均功率比,并与基于随机高斯序列的压缩感知信道估计方法的性能、峰均功率比和计算量进行了比较。仿真实验表明:格雷序列以及随机高斯序列两种序列都可以重构出稀疏信道非零抽头系数,但是格雷序列对稀疏信道冲激响应的确定性观测估计值的均方误差(MSE)和匹配度性能(Match Rate, MR)均优于随机高斯序列,计算量降低了许多,且在OFDM系统中峰均功率比大大降低。
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  • 收稿日期:  2015-05-18
  • 修回日期:  2015-09-16
  • 刊出日期:  2016-02-19


