Generalized Vector Bent Functions
摘要: 该文完善并拓展了Nyberg(1991)的关于广义向量Bent函数性质的结论,相应于Nyberg给出的正则广义向量Bent函数,提出了负则的广义向量Bent函数的概念:得到有偶数个输入的负则的广义向量Bent函数输出维数也不大于输入维数的一半;证明了奇数个输入的正则和负则的广义向量Bent函数都不存在,这些结果的给出,可使密码设计者避免一味去寻找某类不存在的函数.该文还给出了广义向量Bent函数的一种递归构造法.Abstract: This paper generalizes the conclusion of Perfect nonlinear S-boxes by Nyberg(1991), and introduces the conception of inverse regular generalized vector Bent function. It shows that for inverse regular generalized vector Bent function f(m) with even variables, m is no more than half of?. It also shows that when the input dimension n is odd, the regular generalized vector Bent function and the inverse regular generalized vector Bent function do not exist. This may prevent the cryptology designer from seeking the inexistent function. A method for recursively constructing vector generalized Bent function is presented.
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