An adaptive channel compensation method based on bandwidth partitioning
摘要: 自适应阵列中,由于通道的频带特性不一致(通道失配),会导致自适应抗干扰性能的严重下降,一种解决的方法是在通道后加抽头延迟线进行自适应补偿,但是这种方法在通道失配波纹数较多的情况下,由于需要很多的抽头延迟线进行补偿而使得实时实现几乎不可能,该文提出了一种基于带宽分割的自适应通道补偿方法,能在通道失配波纹数较多的情况下,实时并较好地完成自适应通道补偿,理论分析和计算机仿真都证明了该方法的有效性。
- 自适应阵列; 通道失配; 干扰相消
Abstract: In adaptive array, channel mismatch may severely degrade an arrays performance, one solution is adaptive compensation with taps added to channel, however, implementation in real time of this method is impossible if there are too many mismatched channel ripples because a good many taps are needed. An adaptive channel compensation method based on bandwidth partitioning is proposed in this paper which can resolve effectively the above problem. Theoretical analysis and computer simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. -
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