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尚勇 吴顺君 项海格

尚勇, 吴顺君, 项海格. 一种新的高速自适应滤波的脉动实现结构[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2002, 24(8): 1022-1027.
引用本文: 尚勇, 吴顺君, 项海格. 一种新的高速自适应滤波的脉动实现结构[J]. 电子与信息学报, 2002, 24(8): 1022-1027.
Shang Yong, Wu Shunjun, Xiang Haige. A novel systolic implementation of the high-speed adaptive filter[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2002, 24(8): 1022-1027.
Citation: Shang Yong, Wu Shunjun, Xiang Haige. A novel systolic implementation of the high-speed adaptive filter[J]. Journal of Electronics & Information Technology, 2002, 24(8): 1022-1027.


A novel systolic implementation of the high-speed adaptive filter

  • 摘要: LMS算法具有计算简单,易于实现的特点,被广泛应用于诸如通信和雷达等许多信号处理领域,对其高速实现结构的研究一直是滤波器结构设计中的一个研究重点和热点。该文基于并行流水线LMS(PIPLMS)算法,设计了一种高速自适应滤波器脉动结构。该结构既具有脉动结构的高度流水特性,又具有一定的并行性。与已有结构相比,该文设计的结构具有更高的数据吞吐率。同时由于其并行特性,该结构还具有更低的系统功耗,更大的步长因子选择范围和更快的收敛速度。
  • M.D. Meyer, D. P. Agrawall, A high sampling rate delayed LMS filter architecture, IEEE Trans.on Circuits and Systems- Ⅱ, 1993, CAS-II-40(11), 727-729.[2]H. Herzberg, R. H. Cohen, Y. Beery, A systolic array realization of an LMS adaptive filter and the effects of delayed adaptation, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 1992, SP-40(11), 2799 2803.[3]J. Thomas, Pipelined systolic architectures for DLMS adaptive filtering, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing 1996, 12(3), 223-246.[4]S.C. Douglas, Q. Zhu, K. F. Smith, A pipelined LMS adaptive FIR filter architecture without adaptation delay, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 1998, SP-46(3), 775 779.[5]N.R. Shanbhag, M. Goel, Low-power adaptive filter architectures and their application to 51.84 Mb/s ATM-LAN, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 1997, SP-45(5), 1276-1290.[6]Q. Zhu, S. C. Douglas, K. F. Smith, A pipelined architecture for LMS adaptive FIR filter without adaptation delay, ICASSP97, Munich, Germany, 1997, 1933 1936. [7]K. Matsubara, K. Nishikawa, H. Kiya, A new pipelined architecture of the LMS algorithm without degradation of convergence characteristics, ICASSP97, Munich, Germany, 1997, 4125-4128.[7]K. Matsubara, K. Nishikawa, H. Kiya, Pipelined LMS adaptive filter using a new look-ahead transformation, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems-II, 1999, CAS-Ⅱ-46(1), 51 55.[8]尚勇,刘卫东,吴顺君,基于并行算法的自适应滤波原理及其性能分析,电子学报,2001,29(9),1230-1232[9]尚勇,吴顺君,项海格,并行流水线LMS算法及其性能分析,自然科学进展,2001,11(10),1032-1037.[10]N.R. Shanbhag, K. K. Parhi, Relaxed look-ahead pipelined LMS adaptive filters and their application to ADPCM coder, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems-Ⅱ, 1993, CAS-Ⅱ-40(12), 753-766.[11]D.A. Parker, K. K. Parhi, Low-area/power parallel FIR digital filter implementations, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, 1997, 17(1), 75-92.
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  • 收稿日期:  2000-12-27
  • 修回日期:  2001-04-23
  • 刊出日期:  2002-08-19


