摘要: 本文提出了两种处理非均匀或任意形状阵列上相干信号空间谱估计的方法阵列数据变换法和不变子空间旋转法。前一种方法对阵列数据进行预处理使之可用已有的降维技术处理。后一种方法采取不变子空间旋转运算的途径获得多个线性独立矢量以构建信号子空间。不同于传统的降维方法,不变子空间旋转法不受阵列形状的限制,也不会损失阵列的有效孔径。计算机仿真的结果证实了本文方法的有效性。Abstract: The problem of bearing estimation of coherent signals impinging on an array of arbitrary geometry is studied. Two methods are developed. The first one synthesizes the observed array data imo the outputs of a linear uniform array and then processes them via cnnventional techniques such as spatial smoothing etc.; the second method is based on the invariant subspace rotation operation which is equivalent to the translational displacement of the array, linearly independent signal vectors are obtained thereby to span completely the signal subspace. As compared with the conventional processing techniques, the method based on invariant subspace rotation does not lead to an effective decrease in aperture size and therefore a decrease in resolution capability. The computer simulations are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the presented methods.
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