摘要: 为了恢复二阶统计独立的源信号,本文给出一种基于二阶统计量的盲波束形成方法。这个方法是基于二阶统计独立的源信号之间统计互不相关的特性.此方法适用于任意流形阵列 的盲波束形成.除了要求噪声是白色的外,源信号必须是有色的随机信号或确定信号。没有必要估计波达方向.在源信号估计中,此方法使信号与干扰加上噪声之比达到了最大。与累积量基方法相比,这个方法的最突出优点有:方法简单,运算量少以及二阶相关矩阵易鲁棒地估计,因此更适合于在移动通信中应用。Abstract: In order to recover the statistically imdependent source signals,the paper proposes a novel blind beam-forming approach based on two-order statistics.In this method,the source signals are extracted by the statistic properties of the zero cross-correlation between any two source signlas,under the case of unknown array manifold.The approach can be applied to the array beamforming with arbitrary array manifold and error.The method requires that the noise is white and the source signals are colored or deternuninistic,and not requires the estimation of arrival-direction of signals.In extracting source signals,it will make SNR be largest.On thecontrary to the blind beamforming besed on higher-order statistics,it is simple and robust,and can extensively be applied to the blind separation of mobile communication signals.
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