用于Landsat ETM+和ERS-2 SAR图像融合对城区地物特征分类的BP-ANN/GA混合算法
A Hybrid BP-ANN/GA Algorithm for Classification of Urban Terrain Surfaces Using Fused Images of Landsat ETM+ and ERS-2 SAR
摘要: 该文建立了反向传播人工神经网络 (Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network, BP-ANN)和遗传算法 (Genetic Algorithm, GA)的BP-ANN/GA混合算法。利用GA算法的全局优化能力优化BP-ANN的初始权值,克服了传统BP-ANN收敛速度慢,容易陷入局部最小的缺点。BP-ANN/GA混合算法对Landsat ETM+4, 5, 7三波段红外图像和ERS-2 SAR雷达图像的融合数据进行了城市多类地物特征分类。结果表明:BP-ANN/GA算法不仅提高多源遥感图像自动分类的速度,而且提高了各类特征分类的精度。该文对上海浦东地区的Landsat ETM+和ERS-2 SAR数据作了融合分类试验与验证。
- 图像融合;BP-ANN/GA;地表分类
Abstract: A hybrid algorithm of the BP-ANN/GA (Back Propagation Artificial Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm) is developed to optimize the initial weights and make fast convergence of the BP-ANN. This algorithm is applied to classification of urban terrain surfaces with fused data of Landsat ETM+ and ERS-2 SAR. An example of the Shanghai Pudong area using both the Landsat ETM+ and ERS-2 SAR image data well demonstrates the classification speed and accuracy of the algorithm. -
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