coherent interference suppression with eigenspace-based beamformer
摘要: 该文把多线性约束和特征空间技术相结合,提出了基于特征空间的多约束最小方差波束形成器(EM-CMVB),该波束形成器可以有效抑制相干干扰。EMCMVB是利用估计得到的相干干扰方向和阵列信号相关矩阵特征分解来得到修改的信号子空间,再把多约束最小方差波束形成器(MCMVB)的权矢量向修改的信号子空间投影来得出新的权矢量。经分析表明,EMCMVB的性能优于MCMVB的性能。最后,给出了计算机仿真结果,证实了EMCMVB的优越性。Abstract: The eigenspace-based multiple constrained minimum variance beamformer (EMCMVB) is presented here, which combines the multiple constrained minimum variance beamformer (MCMBV) with the eigenspace-based beamformer. Coherent interference can be suppressed by the EMCMVB efficiently. The EMCMVB first gets the modified signal subspace by using the estimated arrival angles of coherent interferers and the eigenstructure of the correlation matrix, and then projects the MCMVB weight vector onto the modified signal subspace. The theoretical analysis indicates that the EMCMVB outperforms the MCMVB. Computer simulation results are also presented and demonstrate the merits of the EMCMVB.
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