Measurements set preprocessing for estimation of nonlinear model parameter
摘要: 非线性参数估计模型中,若系统的可观测度较弱,被估计参数相互耦合,那么参数的估计精度不仅与随机观测噪声有关,与系统的可观测度也有着密切的关系。该文提出一种观测集预处理方法,依据可观测度指标对观测数据进行筛选,然后利用筛选集对参数进行估计。以雷达的系统误差估计为例,使用筛选集估计雷达的系统误差,比直接使用原观测集估计所得结果更为精确。Abstract: Estimation accuracy of nonlinear parameter not only relates to the random measurement noise, but also relates to the system observability, provided that system observability is very low and the parameters intermix. Aiming at this, a preprocessing method based on measurements selection is proposed to strengthen the system observability. As an example, the preprocessed subset is used to estimate the system errors of radar. It is shown that this method can improve the estimation accuracy.
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