正 (一)引言 自六十年代初第一台激光器问世以来,人们就期望用高功率激光的强电场加速带电粒子,提出了各种不同的设想,但迄今没有成功。最近,彭桓武等提出用聚焦在轴上的快波加速电子的新方案,但这个方案要用一个光栅进行调相,一个光栅产生一级衍射波使电子加速,在工艺结构上相当复杂困难。本文,根据几何光学原理,在
This paper suggests a new a scheme for a laser aecelerator according to the principle of geometrie opties. A lens with special non-spherical surface is used to focus the laser rays onto the axis. The phase of these rays can be continuously adjusted as the electrons move forward along the axia, so that the constant acceleration of electrons lis achieved. Because the focusing factor lis very large, the electrons can obtain a very high energy gain on a very short length of travel. When the electrons are decelerated, it is possible to realize a free electron laser. Finally, we prove that it is impossible to use a focusing mirror in this scheme.