摘要: 该文用多种滤波器从图像中提取灰度分布特征;针对不同类别的边缘,分别用不同的灰度分布特征组合进行检测;把不同类别边缘的检测结果集成以实现图像边缘检测。本文所提方法把边缘检测转化为模式识别问题,从而增加了边缘检测的灵活性,同时也提高了检测质量。实验结果表明该方法具有较好的检测效果和抗噪能力。
- 边缘检测; 多滤波器集成; 图像
Abstract: In this paper, a set of filters is used to extract features of gray scale s distribution from an image. Different features detect different kinds of edges. In the end, those results are integrated to get the ultimate image edge. The method presented in this paper turns edge detection into a problem of pattern recognition. So the method can fit to a complex edge model. Experimental results prove that the presented method is feasible and effective. -
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