Channel borrowing and signal prediction priority queuing based handoff scheme
摘要: 随着业务需求的日益增长,蜂窝也越变越小,移动蜂窝通信环境中的切换成为日益重要的问题。在CDMA蜂窝系统中使用软切换,为了解决切换时的信道短缺问题,提出了许多解决方法。该文中提出了称为基于信道借用和信号预测的切换算法。当切换请求到达蜂窝时,如果没有空闲信道,就将从参与软切换的静止呼叫借用一信道,并将借用的信道分配给移动呼叫的切换请求.如果没有信道可借用,就将切换请求放入队列中,使用信号预测的方法来确定队列中的优先级。并将此切换方式的性能与其它切换方式进行了比较。Abstract: Handoffs in a mobile cellular communications environment will become an increas-ingly important issue as cell sizes shrink to accommodate an increasingly large demand for service. CDMA cellular systems use soft handoff. To cope with the channel shortages, many schemes were proposed. In this paper, a new handoff scheme is proposed that is called the handoff algorithm based on channel borrowing and signal prediction priority queuing. If there is no idle channel when the handoff requests arrive the cell, it will borrow channels from station-ary calls participating in soft handoff and allocate the borrowed channels to handoff requests by moving calls. If there is no channel can be borrowed, it will put handoff requests into queue, using signal prediction priority queuing method. A comparison is made between the performances of the proposed scheme.and other schemes.
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