摘要: 本文给出了一种利用线性变换设计开关电容滤波器的新方法。它采用压控电压源等效变换,先修改原LC梯形滤波器,将其归纳为十六种基本节,然后将线性变换扩展到适用于含源和三端口情况,给出这十六种基本节对应的开关电容电路。用这十六种基本节可构成全部四种类型滤波器低通、高通、带通、带阻滤波器。文中给出了它们的设计例子。一个N阶滤波器只需要N个运放,且无寄生电容影响。给出的三阶椭圆低通和六阶椭圆带通的实验结果与理论分析相符。Abstract: A new method for switched-capacitor filleter (SCF) realization by using the linear transformation techique is described. It is shown that using VCVS equivalent transformation to revise the original LC ladder filter, sixteen basic sections are obtained. By using them, it is possible to realize all four kinds of filters-lowpass, highpass, bandpass and bandstop filter. As example, the paper presents their designs. A Nth order filter only requires N amplifiers and is insensitive to the parasitic capacitors. The experimental results of 3rd order lowpass and 6th order bandpass SCF are given and agree well with the theory.
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