1996, 18(5): 467-472.
This paper presents a new Constant-False-Alarm Ratio(CFAR) detector based on Ordered Statistics(OS) and Cell-Averaging(CA) forming local estimates, and using Greatest-Option (GO) to form interference power level estimate Z in test cell (OSCAGO). Under the Swerling II assumption, the analytic expressions of false-alarm probability (Pfa), detection probability (Pd) and Average Decision Threshold (ADT) of this detector are derived, its detection performances in homogeneous background and in strong interfering targets environment are analyzed, and compared with that of OS-, GOSGO-CFARs. Results show that the detection performances of OSCAGO in
homogeneous background and in multiple-target situations are all obviously better than those of
OS and GOSGO. When the number of interfering targets is equal to certain value, the CFAR loss of OSCAGO is about 3dB less than that of GOSGO.