doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2011.00116
A Novel Virtual Network Mapping Algorithm Based on Regionalization
摘要: 目前多数启发式虚拟网映射算法是通过在限制性约束条件上构建映射优化目标函数,从而求得虚拟网映射次优解,存在映射匹配方程求解复杂、计算开销大、缺乏具体路径选择方法等问题。该文基于负载平衡路由和小区划分结构的思想设计一种虚拟网映射算法VLB-VNE(Valiant Load-Balancing-Virtual Network Embedding),将核心/骨干网络划分为多个小区域,小区域内采用全互连逻辑拓扑及VLB式的负载平衡两跳路由方式,小区域间利用最短路径路由和贪婪式迭代匹配算法完成虚拟网映射。经理论推导和仿真验证:VLB-VNE构建合理、易被映射的小区划分结构的现实网络,并将节点和链路的映射统一模块化,映射匹配简单、计算开销小、具有明确的低选路复杂度,并拥有负载平衡路由的优秀时延和吞吐量性能。Abstract: At present, virtual network mapping algorithms obtain suboptimal solution based on constraint condition, they still have the issues of solving mapping equations complicatedly, high computation cost and lack of specific path selection method. To address these issues, a novel virtual network mapping algorithm called Valiant Load-Balancing-Virtual Network Embedding (VLB-VNE) is proposed. VLB-VNE divides the nodes of core/backbone network into several regions. And the region has full mesh logical topological structure and valiant load-balancing routing scheme. VLB-VNE is based on greedy iterative algorithm in the region level. Theoretical analysis and simulation results prove that: VLB-VNE achieves a rational and mapping easily practical network, combines nodes and links mapping, reduces computation cost and possesses optimality of valiant load-balancing network in throughput delay and routing complexity.
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