doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2009.00076
Iterative Detection Scheme for Multiuser Turbo-BLAST System with Imperfect Channel State Information
摘要: 该文将空时多用户检测技术和Turbo-BLAST方案相结合,构造了基于CDMA技术的多用户Turbo- BLAST系统模型,提出了不完全信道状态信息条件下的解相关算法和迭代检测算法。在发送端将V-BLAST结构与CDMA技术相结合实现多路复用,在接收端利用空时多用户检测算法去除用户间干扰,得到期望用户的接收信号,然后采用考虑信道估计误差的软干扰抵消迭代检测算法,对期望用户的接收信号进行检测以去除天线间干扰。仿真结果说明,所提算法对于多用户Turbo-BLAST系统是有效的,可在不增加复杂度的条件下达到良好的迭代效果。Abstract: The space-time multiuser detection scheme is applied to Turbo-BLAST system to form a multiuser Turbo-BLAST system. A scheme for de-correlating and interference cancellation detection technique is proposed in the presence of channel state information imperfection. At the transmitter, V-BLAST structure is combined with CDMA technique for spatial multiplexing. At the receiver, the de-correlating algorithm is employed to remove the multiuser interference first, and then the iterative interference cancellation scheme which takes the channel estimation errors into account is introduced to mitigate the co-antenna interference. Simulation results show that the proposed space-time multiuser model is effective in the presence of channel state information imperfection,it makes the detection of every user be comparatively independent, and benefits for application of the traditional Turbo-BLAST scheme.
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