doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2008.00335
ew Construction for 9/7 Wavelet Basis and Fast Implementation
摘要: CDF9/7小波的复杂系数是限制其快速实现的主要因素。该文构造了新的含参双正交提升小波模型,并利用能量集中性法则和迭代搜索算法提出一种压缩性能与此相当适合移位操作的有理数小波基。新小波基在硬件实现时可用一次移位和加法运算代替乘法运算,运算量仅为原来的25%,且无需考虑位长对精度的影响。一维小波4级流水架构已通过FPGA验证,与同类设计相比,减少一半的资源消耗量,并且大幅提高系统的工作频率。Abstract: Fast implementation of CDF9/7 wavelet is strictly retained for its complex coefficient. This paper constructs a new biorthogonal and lifting-based wavelet model with parameters. The new wavelet basis of rational number proposed is adapted to shift operation with the same compression performance to CDF9/7 by using energy concentration and iterative searching algorithm. One multiplication can be implemented by one addition and shift in the hardware design. It amounts to the original calculation quantity of 25% and its precision is not influenced by the word length. The 4 level pipelined architecture of one dimensional transform is demonstrated on the FPGA. Compared with the related design, it reduces half resource requirement and improves the working frequency of system prominently.
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