doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2008.00073
Space-Variant Motion Compensation in Ultra-high Resolution Airborne Spotlight SAR
摘要: 该文分析了机载聚束式合成孔径雷达(SAR)运动误差的空变性,推导了空变的运动误差与聚束扫描角度、照射区域大小及天线下视角等参数之间的定量关系,针对超高分辨率机载聚束SAR成像运动误差空变效应明显的问题,提出一种基于chirp扰动的距离重采样新方法,并结合图像方位分块处理技术构建了比较完善的运动补偿方案,以弥补传统运动补偿方法在超高分辨率机载SAR成像中的不足。最后,用仿真实验验证了方案的有效性。Abstract: The compensation for space-variant motion errors is one of the main issues in ultra-high resolution airborne SAR imaging. This paper first discusses the characteristics of space-variant motion errors of airborne spotlight SAR, and deduces the quantificational relationship between space-variant motion errors and SAR imaging parameters such as scan angle, size of illuminated scene and grazing angle. Then, it presents a comprehensive processing scheme for motion compensation of high resolution airborne spotlight SAR, which is based on the sub-patches processing and a new method of range resample using chirp disturbance. This scheme can make up for the deficiency of traditional process and deals well with severe space-variant motion errors in ultra-high resolution imaging. Finally, computer simulations prove the validity of the scheme.
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