doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01866
A Novel Quantum Key Distribution Protocol Based on Quantum Error Correction Code
摘要: 量子加密从物理机制上保证了密钥分配的绝对安全,然而由于量子密钥分配过程中量子信道存在噪声,使得传输效率不高的量子密钥分配效率进一步降低。量子低密度奇偶校验(量子LDPC)码由于在码长和码率的选择方面具有巨大的灵活性,且信赖于稀疏图,已成为目前量子纠错编码的研究热点。该文借鉴经典纠错编码能够提高传输可靠性的特性,针对BB84协议,设计一种基于量子LDPC码的BB84协议。通过数值仿真,分析量子LDPC码对BB84协议的密钥传输效率的影响。结果表明基于量子纠错码的BB84协议的密钥传输效率得到提高,验证了在含噪量子信道中基于量子LDPC码的量子密钥分配协议的有效性。Abstract: Quantum cryptograph ensures the absolute security of key distribution on physics. However, not too high key transmission efficiency will be further reduced because of the noise in the quantum channel of key distribution. Having great flexibility with respect to block-length and rate, quantum Low Density Parity Check (LDPC) code based on sparse-graph becomes a hot topic in quantum error correction. Borrowing from the idea that the transmission reliability can be improved with error correction code in classical communications, a novel BB84 key distribution protocol is designed based on quantum LDPC in this paper. By numerical simulation, the effect of quantum error correction code on BB84 protocol is analyzed in the case of the transmission efficiency. The results show that quantum LDPC codes have good ability to overcome the noise, raise the transmission efficiency, and verify the availability of the proposed model.
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