doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2007.01786
Adaptive Bandwidth and Sub-carrier Allocation for OFDMA Downlinks
摘要: 该文分析了OFDMA系统下行链路自适应资源分配问题,在系统总功率约束下提出了最小化系统中断概率的次最佳两步子载波分配算法。首先分析用户带宽分配与子载波功率分配特点,在此基础上提出了根据系统可用资源、用户QoS要求及信道状态为用户分配带宽和子载波的两步分配算法。仿真结果表明,该文提出的算法能在极小化系统中断概率的同时满足总功率约束。
- OFDMA; 资源分配;中断概率;QoS
Abstract: This paper addresses adaptive resource allocation for OFDMA downlinks. A sub-optimal two-step sub-carrier allocation scheme is proposed to minimize the outage probability for a total transmit power budget. A characteristic of bandwidth and sub-carrier allocation is analyzed, and a two-step sub-carrier allocation scheme is proposed, which distributes bandwidth and sub-carriers among users based on available resource, QoS requirements and channel state information. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms can achieve low outage probability while meet the total power budget. -
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