doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2006.01957
Layover Solution Based on Unitary ESPRIT Algorithm in Multibaseline InSAR
摘要: 层叠效应(Layover)是SAR成像技术的一个难点,本文在多基线InSAR的框架下,将谐波恢复与信号重构的酉ESPRIT算法应用于解决层叠效应问题。文中建立了存在层叠效应的多基线InSAR的数据模型,指出经典算法在估计精度与视数之间的矛盾,阐明了酉ESPRIT算法的基本原理与优点。进行了仿真实验,实验结果表明在视数较少时,酉ESPRIT算法具有很好的性能。Abstract: Layover is a nodus in SAR imaging. The unitary ESPRIT algorithm was introduced to resolve the layover problem on the frame of multibaseline InSAR in this paper. The data model of multibaseline InSAR with layover was expatiated firstly, and the layover problem in multibaseline InSAR was boiled down to the estimation of the interferometric phase angle. The basic principle and advantage of the unitary ESPRIT algorithm was depicted, its efficiency was validated by the Monte Carlo simulations. The simulations indicate that unitary ESPRIT algorithm can work well when the looks are very small but the performance of other algorithms degrade sharply.
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