doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2006.01932
A Multiple Reserving Channel Extension of 802.11e MAC Protocol Based on the Diffusion of Innovation Theory and the Performance Analysis
摘要: 该文为Ad hoc网络媒质接入层提出了一种基于802.11e协议的支持区分服务支持的协议。该协议采取多预约机制提高高优先级数据业务在信道竞争中的优势,并且采用创新的扩散原理协调降低各个低优先级数据业务的接入概率,保护高优先级数据流,同时避免了这种协调信息在全网络范围内的洪泛。理论分析与仿真结果均表明,该扩展协议提高了高优先级数据流的接入概率和端到端吞吐量,显著的降低高等级业务的端到端时延及抖动。Abstract: An extension MAC Protocol based on 802.11e is proposed for better supporting Class of Service in data link layer of Ad hoc. By using multiple reserving channel method, the superiority of the higher priority flows in medium contention is enhanced. By using the diffusion of innovation theory, the low priority flows lower their sending probability to protect the higher priority services, and information flooding is avoided in the whole ad hoc network. Analysis and simulation results show that the extension protocol can improve the success of the high priority datas throughputs and remarkably reduce end-to-end delay and jitter.
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