doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2006.01876
Distributed Linear Dispersion Codes in Cooperative Communication
摘要: 该文提出一种分布式线性疏散码解决无线网络中协同节点不能确定时的空时编码问题。参与协同的节点采用独立的疏散矢量进行编码,推导协同节点减少时分布式线性疏散码的互信息损失,并以此建立一种分布式疏散码的编码准则。仿真结果验证了这种分布式线性疏散码的误比特性能及编码准则的可行性。
- 分布式编码; 协同; 线性疏散码
Abstract: Distributed linear dispersion codes are proposed for the space time coding in wireless network where cooperative nodes can not be decided priori.The nodes in cooperation are coded with different dispersion vectors. The mutual information loss when the number of cooperative nodes decreased is conducted and a coding criterion of distributed dispersion codes is developed accordingly.The simulation results show that the distributed dispersion codes with the coding criterion achieve good performance. -
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