doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2006.01574
Adaptive Pulse Waveform Design Based on the Combination of Multiple PSWFs for CUWB System
摘要: 本文简述了认知超宽带(CUWB)系统的工作原理,并从自适应频谱环境和兼容FCC频谱模板的角度出发,建立了基于频谱感知来动态构建CUWB系统自适应辐射掩蔽的机制。然后,利用PSWFs函数的特性,提出了一种基于多频带的回转椭球波函数(PSWFs)基的加权线性组合来设计CUWB自适应脉冲波形的算法。仿真结果表明,该算法所产生的脉冲波形不仅能满足CUWB系统频谱模板的要求,而且能自适应模板的动态变化。Abstract: This paper introduces the operating fundament of Cognitive Ultra WideBand (CUWB) wireless communication system and gives a scheme of dynamically obtaining adaptive emission mask based on spectrum sensing to adapt to spectrum environment and be compatible with FCC spectral mask. Then, a method to generate adaptive CUWB shaping pulse is proposed based on weight combination of Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions(PSWFs) matching UWB multiple sub-band spectral mask. The simulation results show that the pulse waveforms shaped by this method conform the spectral mask constraint for CUWB, adapt to dynamical variety of the spectral mask.
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