doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2006.01125
SAR Image Target Detection Based on ODVI
摘要: 该文提出了一种基于有序数据可变索引(Ordered Data Variability Index, ODVI)的SAR图像目标恒虚警检测算法,该算法首先对待测像素的参考窗进行基于ODVI的自适应筛选处理(Automatic Censoring, AC),以去除窗内的强杂波和干扰像素,并以窗内保留的均匀像素对背景的统计特性进行建模,估计其概率密度函数的参量,同时构建双参数恒虚警检测(CFAR)的检验统计量,计算检测的自适应阈值,实现检测的判决。论文给出了该算法的检测性能曲线,并利用实测的X波段SAR图像进行实验验证,与其它检测方法进行比较,结果显示该文算法具有较好的检测性能和较低的虚警概率。Abstract: A new CFAR method for SAR image target detection based on ODVI-AC is proposed in this paper. The reference cells of the test cell are firstly processed by an automatic censoring algorithm in order to remove the cells of clutter and interfering targets in the reference window. The remaining cells which are homogeneous can be used to describe the statistical property of the local environments and to evaluate the parameters of the probability density function. The remaining cells can also used to yield the test statistics of two-parameter CFAR detector and calculate the adaptive CFAR threshold. The performance of ODVI-AC CFAR detector is analyzed theoretically to show its superiority. Finally, the field X band SAR image data is used as test data for this algorithm, and the comparison with other CFAR methods is favorable to the ODVI-AC CFAR in this paper.
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