doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2006.01111
The Joint Multi-fractal Analysis of the Base Sequence of Chromosomes
摘要: 多重分形谱可以用于分析一条染色体碱基序列的概率分布情况,联合多重分形谱可以区分两条染色体碱基序列的概率分布之间的差异。该文将联合多重分形谱应用于实际染色体中碱基序列和随机产生碱基序列的比较分析中。实验结果表明:同一物种的不同染色体上的碱基序列可视为来自同一信源的输出;而不同物种的染色体碱基序列是由不同信源产生;且染色体碱基序列不同于随机产生的碱基序列。 该方法还可以应用于其他信号的分析和模型评估中。Abstract: The multi-fractal spectrum of the DNA sequence of a chromosome reflects its probability distribution, and the joint multi-fractal spectrum of two DNA sequences can be used to discriminate their distributions. By employing joint multi-fractal spectrum to analyze the DNA sequences of chromosomes and randomly generated sequences according to predefined distributions, it has been shown that, different chromosomes of the same specie can be viewed as being generated from the same information source, and chromosomes of different species can not be thought so, but all are different from randomly generated sequences. The joint multi-fractal can also be used in other fields for signal modeling and analyzing.
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