doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2006.01030
A Novel Adaptive Pattern Control Method Based on LCMV
摘要: 该文提出一种基于线性最小方差约束(LCMV)的自适应方向图控制方法,在约束条件中增加了对静态方向图的拟合条件,可以在自适应抗干扰的同时形成期望副瓣形状,分析了小快拍条件下自适应方向图副瓣起伏机理,并把对角加载与本方法结合,极大改善了副瓣收敛速度,并在小快拍时就能有较好的性能。随后的计算机仿真证明了本文方法的有效性。Abstract: This paper describes a simple adaptive pattern control method based on Linearly Constrained Minimum Variance (LCMV). The quiescent pattern weights are imposed in constrain which make the overall beamformer sidelobe response equal the desired quiescent response and form nulls in the direction of interference at the same time. The sidelobe exhibits large ripples in condition of small training sample size and the diagonal loading method is combined with this method, which improve the convergence speed in sidelobe. The effectiveness of this new method is illustrated by a few designed examples.
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