doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2006.01016
Reducing the RCS of Microstrip Patch Antenna by Cutting Slots on the Groundplane
摘要: 接地板开槽可以改变微带天线的辐射特性及阻抗特性,在微带贴片天线的频带展宽中已有所应用。该文给出了微带贴片天线散射特性的矩量法求解过程,并分析了接地板开槽对天线雷达截面(RCS)的影响。与短路针加载相结合,给出了一种接地板开槽形式。结果表明,据此设计的微带贴片天线在较宽频带内实现了RCS的减缩,同时天线的辐射性能保持良好,对天线的隐身有一定的借鉴作用。Abstract: The radiation and impedance characteristic of microstrip antenna may be influenced by cutting slots on the groundplane with applications to widening the frequency band. The Method of Moment(MoM)which is used to solve the scattering of microstrip patch antenna is presented. The effect of cutting groundplane slots on the RCS is analyzed and a scheme of cutting slots is put forward combining shorted-posts load. The results indicate that the RCS is reduced a lot during a very wide frequency band, while antenna radiation performance remains. The conclusion is useful for the antenna radar cross section reduction.
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