doi: 10.3724/SP.J.1146.2006.00414
Cryptanalysis and Improvement of a New Proxy Signature Scheme
摘要: Gu-Zhang-Yang(2005)提出了一个不需要可信第三方参与的匿名代理签名方案,由于该方案的签名验证数据中没有回避孤悬因子这一现象,因此并不满足强不可伪造性,原始签名人可以伪造一个有效的代理签名通过验证,并成功地在代理签名者身份揭示阶段向公众证明该伪造的代理签名是由合法的代理签名者产生的。本文在分析该方案安全性的基础上提出了改进的匿名代理签名方案,克服了原方案的不足。Abstract: The proxy signature with proxy signer privacy protection without a trusted third party put forward by Gu-Zhang-yang(2005), does not posses the strong unforgeability property because of not being able to avoid the suspending-factor. With this scheme, the original signer can forge a valid proxy signature and pass the procedure of verification and revelation, therefore he or she can successfully prove it is signed by a legal proxy signer. To avoid this shortcoming, an improvement of a proxy signature scheme with proxy signer privacy protection is proposed based on the analysis of the Gu-Zhang-yangs scheme.
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