Multi-objective Evolutionary Semi-supervised Fuzzy Clustering Image Segmentation Motivated by Region Information
Abstract:When multi-objective evolutionary clustering algorithms are applied to image segmentation, the image pixels are always utilized to be clustered. It results in a long running time. In addition, due to not considering the image region information, the image segmentation effect is not ideal. In order to improve the segmentation effect and time efficiency of the multi-objective evolutionary clustering algorithm, the image region information and some supervised information are introduced into multi-objective evolutionary clustering. Then a multi-objective evolutionary semi-supervised fuzzy clustering image segmentation algorithm driven by image region information is presented. First, the region information of the image is obtained through the super-pixel strategy. Second, two novel fitness functions are designed by introducing the supervised information and region information. Third, the multi-objective evolutionary strategy is used to optimize these two fitness functions to obtain an optimal solution set. Finally, an optimal solution evaluation index with region information and supervision information is constructed and utilized to select an optimal solution from the optimal solution set. Experimental results show the proposed algorithm outperforms comparison methods in segmentation performance and running efficiency.
表 1 各算法聚类准确率对比
图像 FCM SSFCM SSFC-SC MOVGA 本文算法 #3096 0.9859 0.9860 0.9865 0.5388 0.9931 #135069 0.7368 0.9926 0.9924 0.3301 0.9925 #118035 0.9342 0.9342 0.9337 0.9367 0.9523 #124084 0.7415 0.7418 0.8465 0.8678 0.9457 #86016 0.8394 0.8395 0.8568 0.6190 0.9811 #161062 0.8846 0.8847 0.8988 0.5711 0.9830 #260058 0.7893 0.7898 0.8301 0.3730 0.9904 #8068 0.9517 0.9518 0.9518 0.7112 0.9858 #113044 0.8381 0.8384 0.8395 0.2664 0.9330 #12003 0.7737 0.7735 0.8079 0.4421 0.8919 #296059 0.7397 0.7396 0.7400 0.6364 0.9284 #238011 0.8093 0.9565 0.9565 0.9566 0.9605 #101027 0.8839 0.8840 0.8850 0.5689 0.9024 #28075 0.4479 0.4456 0.5666 0.5873 0.9374 #24063 0.9675 0.9675 0.9696 0.9601 0.9737 #253036 0.6193 0.6195 0.6921 0.6443 0.9448 #42044 0.7524 0.7526 0.7572 0.7055 0.8595 #299091 0.6962 0.6964 0.7220 0.3360 0.9564 #113016 0.8164 0.8142 0.8843 0.7203 0.9426 #147091 0.9316 0.9317 0.9314 0.7781 0.9041 -
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