Energy Aware Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces Assisted Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Age of Information Enabled Data Collection Policies
摘要: 为了应对智能反射面(RIS)辅助的无人机(UAV)在物联网数据收集过程中能量高效利用与信息收集时效性之间的均衡问题,该文提出一种基于深度强化学习的数据收集优化策略。针对无人机在数据采集过程中的飞行能耗、通信复杂性及采集信息时效性(AoI)约束,设计了一种基于双深度Q网络(DDQN)的联合优化方案,涵盖无人机轨迹规划、物联网设备调度以及智能反射面相位调整。该方案有效缓解了传统Q学习方法中Q值过估计的问题,使无人机能够根据实时环境动态调整飞行轨迹和通信策略,从而在提升数据传输效率的同时降低能量消耗。仿真结果表明,与传统方法相比,所提方案能够显著提高数据收集效率。此外,通过合理分配能量与通信资源,所提方案能够动态适应不同通信环境参数变化,确保系统在能耗与AoI之间达到最佳均衡。Abstract:
Objective : To address the balance between efficient energy utilization and information freshness in UAV-assisted data collection for the Internet of Things (IoT) using Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS). Methods : A data collection optimization policy based on deep reinforcement learning is proposed. Considering flight energy consumption, communication complexity, and Age of Information (AoI) constraints, a joint optimization scheme is designed using a Double Deep Q-Network (DDQN). The scheme integrates UAV trajectory planning, IoT device scheduling, and RIS phase adjustment, mitigating Q-value overestimation observed in traditional Q-learning methods. Results and Discussions : The proposed method enables the UAV to dynamically adjust its trajectory and communication strategy based on real-time environmental conditions, enhancing data transmission efficiency and reducing energy consumption. Simulation results demonstrate superior convergence compared with traditional methods ( Fig. 3 ). The UAV trajectory shows that the proposed method effectively accomplishes the data collection task (Fig. 4 ). Furthermore, rational allocation of energy and communication resources allows dynamic adaptation to varying communication environment parameters, ensuring an optimal balance between energy consumption and AoI (Fig. 5 )(Fig. 6 ).Conclusions : The deep reinforcement learning-based optimization policy for UAV-assisted IoT data collection with RIS effectively resolves the trade-off between energy utilization and information freshness. This robust solution improves data collection efficiency in dynamic communication environments. -
1 基于DDQN的UAV数据采集算法
输入:UAV观测到的环境状态 输出:UAV轨迹和IoT设备调度策略 (1) 随机初始化神经网络参数 (2) for episode = 1,2,…,NEP do (3) 初始化仿真环境参数 (4) for t = 1,2,…,T do (5) 根据$ {Q_\pi }({\boldsymbol{s}},{\boldsymbol{a}};\theta ) $选取状态$ {\boldsymbol{s}} $对应的动作a; (6) 根据式(31)获得RIS的相位偏移; (7) 执行动作控制UAV飞行和IoT调度后,使用式(23)计算
瞬时奖励$ r $并获得下一时刻的状态$ {\boldsymbol{s}}' $;(8) if UAV移动跃出边界 do (9) 状态回滚$ {\boldsymbol{s}}' \leftarrow {\boldsymbol{s}} $,为$ r $添加惩罚项; (10) 将环境数据$ ({\boldsymbol{s}},{\boldsymbol{a}},{\boldsymbol{r}},{\boldsymbol{s}}') $存入经验池; (11) if 经验池存满数据 do (12) 从经验池取出Ns个样本; (13) 对于每个样本,用目标值网络计算式(29); (14) 更新当前Q网络以最小化损失式(30); (15) 每隔一定步长$ {\theta ^ - } \leftarrow \theta $; (16) end (17) end 表 1 主要仿真参数
参数 数值 $ {x^{{\text{MAX}}}} $, $ {y^{{\text{MAX}}}} $(m) 1 000, 1 000 $ L $,$ {z^{{\text{MIN}}}} $, $ {z^{{\text{MAX}}}} $(m) 10, 60, 80 $ {l_t} $(m) {0, 1, 2} $ {c_1} $, $ {c_2} $ 12.081, 0.113 95[7] $ {\mu ^{{\text{LoS}}}} $ , $ {\mu ^{{\text{NLoS}}}} $ 1.445 44, 199.526[7] $ {K_1} $, $ {K_2} $ 3, 4 $ \rho $, $ \beta $ (dBm) –30, –50[8] $ {\delta _1} $, $ {\delta _2} $(dBm/Hz) –174, –174 $ {B_1} $, $ {B_2} $(MHz) 2, 2 $ {P_1} $, $ {P_2} $(W) 0.5, 0.8 $ {P_{\mathrm{B}}} $, $ {P_{\mathrm{I}}} $, $ {P_{\mathrm{V}}} $ 88.63, 79.85, 11.46 $ {\zeta _1} $, $ {\zeta _2} $, $ {\zeta _3} $, $ {\zeta _4} $ 100, 1, 10, 10 $ \varLambda $, $ \varXi $ 0.6, 0.05 $ {U_{{\text{tip}}}} $(m/s) 120[29] $ \varUpsilon $(kg/m3) 1.225[29] $ G $(m2) 0.503[29] $ \chi $(bit) 1 000 -
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